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Branding for your WHY, Not just your EYE

Branding for your WHY, Not just your EYE

But the best part in my believing in myself as an entrepreneur was figuring out my WHY?, YES, figuring out my why!  For some, it's the hardest part, but I think I've always known my why.  What I was less clear on was how to accomplish my why. ‘Unemployed’ Entrepreneur ‘Unemployed’ Entrepreneur

The struggle can be real, but I'm here to help. What struggle exactly?! The one of branding yourself to become the most unforgettable entrepreneur ever of course! One of the first things I saw people try to do is go out and get a website and logo created...they think of all the fancy colors and fonts they could use, oh and don't forget plan out all the money they're going to need to get started on this new brand. I was guilty of this too!

History Achieved, HERstory Left for Dead

History Achieved, HERstory Left for Dead

Young girls will learn about the women we teach them about, it has to start with us.  We can no longer sit on the sidelines, allowing men and sometimes women to diminish our earned and deserved shine.  Start your HERstory legacy now! 

When God Told Me to Quit

When God Told Me to Quit

It’s not always easy giving in to or “obeying” that gut wrenching feeling or that voice in your head that is telling you to take a leap of faith that only you have decided you’re not ready to do. When I jumped this time, it was only better than the time before.