Original Feature | March 2016

Lessons Learned From an ‘Unemployed’ Entrepreneur

+ 2 Bonus Lessons

The struggle can be real, but I'm here to help. What struggle exactly?! The one of branding yourself to become the most unforgettable entrepreneur ever of course! One of the first things I saw people try to do is go out and get a website and logo created...they think of all the fancy colors and fonts they could use, oh and don't forget plan out all the money they're going to need to get started on this new brand. I was guilty of this too! Those are fun (sometimes) but certainly NOT the way to start your journey to success. Below are the 5 lessons I learned while I was not working full-time, but instead was adamant about establishing and successfully operating my own business...FYI, that business no longer exists...!

Lesson #1:

Authentic Connections
Begin With You

Before figuring out all the fancy colors, websites and logos, it's imperative that you FIRST get to know YOURSELF when trying to establish a memorable brand! What are the skill sets, expertise, passions you bring to the world? What void are you planning to fill...what problems are you solving...and most importantly, for who? When you have a clear understanding of who you are and the goals that you're trying to achieve (and they're coming from a place of good intention), it is easier to attract the right people and resources you need to propel you to success.

Lesson #2:

Self Discipline is the Catwalk
You Must Strut to Get From Your Big Dreams to Your Breakthroughs

Ever said to yourself either of these, "Uuuuuhhhggghhh, I hate the daily routines of my 'day job" "I can't stand doing this (whatever 'it' is) every single day!" "What's the point of meeting on this again, we're just going to talk about the same thing!" Yep, I am guilty too! While we often get annoyed by some of the daily routines required in our day jobs, I realized implementing a routine was something that I did not do when I started my own business and that caused all kinds of problems. First of all, routines are helpful. They create systems and systems are supposed to create efficient productivity. If you never have a routine system, you can't define what is or isn't working in your business. Meetings are also an opportunity to reflect on the productivity (or lack thereof) and what in the routine system can be improved. It's also a time to celebrate any accomplishments you've made no matter how big or small they may be. When starting to build your brand, it's hard work so taking the time to meet for business and to celebrate is important. Having the self-discipline to do things even when you may not want to is a necessary evil in the world of branding and entrepreneurship. 

Lesson #3:

The More You Learn,
The More You Earn.
Share the Wealth.

When you think you know it all already, you're in trouble. Learning is a lifelong process and as a budding or veteran entrepreneur, you should always put yourself in a position to stay abreast of new things related to your area of expertise. The more you know, the more value you can add to your business and the lives of those you serve. The more value you offer, the more opportunities to increase your wealth - both financially and from a spiritual perspective too! There are tons of paid and free resources available for acquiring new or refreshing old skills. Join networking groups, trade associations, ask your colleagues in leadership positions what they do to stay ahead of the trends, use social media to connect with influencers, there's a website called Coursera.org with a myriad of free or low-cost certifications that you can pursue and the list can go on. There is no shortage of information out there, but moreover, you are also an expert based on your own education and experiences. What have people consistently come to you for? Use that and the knowledge you've shared with them to create evergreen content and become a thought-leader who regularly shares what you know.

Lesson #4:

Get Rid of the Box.
Be Bold. Change
the World.

When I think of companies like Lyft and AirBnB, they embody this very lesson. While their models are fairly simple and are just updated versions of business industries that already existed, they were radical in their approach, stood behind their vision and have ultimately changed the world through a shared economy philosophy. Many entrepreneurs I've witnessed over the last few years are eager to enter diluted markets (fitness, personal coaching, speaking, tech to name a few) but don't really have anything that distinguishes them from others in the same space and are frustrated when they don't attract their ideal clients. While being in a competitive market isn't a bad thing - because it shows that there are people who want what's there - what the bigger dilemma is for many trying to establish a brand is that they don't stretch far enough to stand out. What can you do today to begin stepping outside of the box in an effort to change the world with your brand? What unique skill set or talent do you possess that will set you apart in your industry?

Lesson #5:

Reflect & Correct.
It's OK to Reset

"Failure" happens. Things don't always go according to plan. We try something, we invest money and time, we rally others around our ideas and sometimes, shit hits the fan! "Failure" is just there to inform you to move in a different direction. What I took from the things that went right and not so right was that our bumps in the road should be embraced because they are like the bumps on the freeway that make that really loud noise and shake the car...they're there to let us know that we've gone too far into another lane and we simply need to shift the steering wheel a bit more the other way. What if those bumps didn't exist? Could you imagine how many more crashes there might be? The same is true for life! I realized how we are actually being saved with our bumps yet we look at them as "failures" as defeats and we tend to get down on ourselves. We're really just being redirected and protected. Take the time to understand that despite our best intentions things will simply happen. Do some self-inventory and reflect on what happened, correct it and press reset to move forward! What are the bumps in your road trying to teach you? How can you correct the direction you're currently going for a better route to your future business plans? Don’t change the goal, just simply change the path you’re using to get to them!

And now for the two bonus lessons I learned…

BONUS #1: Self-employed vs. Entrepreneur

If you're self-employed, you have simply created a business where you trade your own time for money, which is essentially the same thing that you do when you work for someone else.

If you're an entrepreneur however, you've created a system/product/service that generates money even if you're not "on the clock" AND/OR you have a team in place that does the marketing and sales of the system/product/service on your behalf...inevitably so you don't have to "be on the clock" to make your money. Are you self- employed or an entrepreneur?


Establish what I call your Pillars of Purpose (also known as Core Values) for your life and before starting your business!  

Your business is not a separate entity from you, it's an extension of you and the pillars of purpose/core values that you define can be used to guide every decision, how you treat yourself/your clients, and how you behave...both in your personal and professional life. While I have learned a LONG list of other lessons during my entrepreneurial pursuits, the five lessons I shared above have been those that I personally adopted as my own Pillars of Purpose. I will not make any decision moving forward without deciding if it's aligned to these pillars/values, and once you have yours, you should not either! Establish your pillars of purpose today!

And there you have it, beautiful people. The 5 lessons of the once unemployed entrepreneur plus my 2 bonuses!  FYI, I'm happily employed now doing exactly what I was attempting to do in my own business...I am starting a new entrepreneurial endeavor and I'd love for you to keep up with my journey by connecting with me on LinkedIn!

 Cheers to your success

Uplift #HERstory | Contributor


Former Division I Athlete. Idea Architect. Revolutionizing Education. BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger Enthusiast. Quote Lover. Storyteller. Connector.

Marisha Dixon | Entrepreneur