Original Feature | March 2016

What’s crazy is that thought first occurred in March of 2011, YES!!  Five years ago this March and I hadn’t the slightest clue on just how serious God was about me quitting that job.  I was working as a litigation paralegal in environmental risk management and had just gotten accepted to graduate school, I thought life was good; God wanted me to know that I had become content and He had no intention of me living a life of this type and how could I spread a message of courageous and abundant healing if I was content with being content, in a job that wasn’t my dream, but paid the bills.  Still, I had no intention of quitting my job, I stayed the course and so did God.
When I decided to get intentional with my healing, my entire world changed.  I had no idea what type of whirlwind I had created when I chose to listen to that gut-wrenching feeling and constant chatter in my head to quit my 9-5, even though I had no alternative.  I mean I thought to myself, with zero hesitation, “quit my job, no prospects, no way!”  As the thoughts continued to persist and become incessant, I seriously, asked God, “are you for real?  You’ve got to be kidding me, right?!” WRONG!!  What I hadn’t realized then was that God was planting a seed, one that would fester until I made the choice to adhere and submit to his will.  Looking back today, I’m abundantly glad that I did.

The season of March Madness had begun and the church I attend commemorates this with a bible studies series themed for March Madness, the lineup contained nothing but “heavy hitters,” preachers and pastors traveling in from everywhere to be guest preachers and the congregation showed up and showed out (come on, we have to show visiting pastors, we LOVE our own pastor)…so you know I was there to do the same!  However, when each and every week the message seemed to hone in on me, DIRECTLY, I was starting to feel bombarded by Gods’ demand, yes DEMAND, because that’s what it had become, this overwhelming sense that I had to do something, that I couldn’t sit still, and that NO THIS TOO SHALL NOT PASS. 
It seemed like everywhere I turned or listened or looked God was saying, “I told you to quit that job, when are you going to trust that I will take care of you?  When are you going to obey and lead by faithful example?  When are you going to realize that this job isn’t what I have stored up for you on earth?”  Do you know I still ignored these messages?!  I mean, I fully and whole-heartedly had no intention of quitting my job, unless or until I had secured another one.  God must have been chuckling my way while shaking His head because I did quit that job, but I didn’t quit until July 2011.

It took me more than three months to listen to God telling me to leave that job behind, WHY?  Because I had stored up my faith in what I could see, what I knew existed in reality, rather than what I believe could exist by way of God’s miracles and wonder-working powers.  I had lost my way in operating in faith, for those things unseen and unknown to me and had instead put security in the provisions from I labored for from “man.”  For those who know me, I am abundantly connected spiritually and have fervent love for my Savior – so this behavior was odd. 
The day I handed in my 2 weeks’ notice was a day of mixed emotions, but mostly it was a day of triumph because I had finally obeyed the spirit, I had given in and trusted what I knew all along to be guidance and direction, and I felt uncovered.  I felt relieved and revived, I had detached myself from a job that I knew wouldn’t lead to the future I so hungrily craved, but even then didn’t understand the depths of the plans God had set up for me.  July 11, 2011, I walked out of that law firm for the last time and that day was the beginning of my journey to healing and reaching my full potential.

That was the day, I learned what God means when he says quit! #B_Abundant
