Leveraging Your Morning and Bedtime Routines to Help You Become Successful

Hi, Beautiful Being! I want to chat with you today about reaching success.  I use the term success to describe any achievement in any area of life that you have poured desire and attention into. Success describes your ideal relationships, spiritual walk, emotional stability, mental health status, career, and overall fulfillment in life.
Success is not an accident; it is the result of consistent long-term faith, focus, and action. I once read “it takes 10 years to become an overnight success.” This is because there are so many little shifts in your life that happen and outsiders don’t see. No one just buys a house, ends up in a great relationship or eventually just “finds” peace.
Everything you do or say matters. Every person that comes in your life and leaves for whatever reasons matters. We are the sum of our experiences, and our success is the sum of our faith, focus, and action. When it comes to success, often times, individuals focus their attention on the money, notoriety or titles they can acquire, but success is so much more.
In 2012, researchers Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton revealed that per their studies, those in the U.S. who made $55,000 were only 9% happier than those who made $25,000; and those who made $75,000 were not statistically significantly happier than those who made $55,000. The point is that success is not limited in what you can acquire, but it’s also about how you function, how healthy you are, how well rounded your life is, how healthy and mutually beneficial are your relationships, and most importantly, how well you love, appreciate and accept yourself.

So how does one achieve

success in all these areas of life?

By creating intentional routines that benefit different dimensions of your being. People often shed light onmorning routines, but fail to acknowledge the importance of the bedtime routine.
When I speak to audiences, I share with them the importance of what I call, your “Self-Love Tool Kit.” These are go-to practices that you can employ on a daily basis, that assists you on your self-love journey and help you strengthen the areas in your life that you need most work. Well when it comes to success, your self-love toolkit is also applicable because the more you are aligned with your best, the more focused and intentional about living your better life you will be.
Now, I believe everyone is unique, but there are some very common practices that you can start to employ that will begin to shift your attention and allow you to conquer the small steps that will create great strides towards success.
Research shows that what we do in the first 15 minutes of waking provides a good foundation for the day.

Morning Routine

Begin the day with morning silence/reflection/meditation/prayer. This will help you strengthen your mind right away to be focused and open to the possibilities of the day


Take what you are grateful and what you are open to experience.


Eat breakfast within the 1st hour of waking


Try to get 10-30 mins of exercise/stretching in 

Evening | Routine

State what you are grateful for


Acknowledge at least 1 experience/event that you would consider positive 


If you’re going to be on your phone, tablet, computer, make sure the last images or content your review is positive

The more consistent you become with these routines, the easier it will be to introduce other routines that will help you grow mentally, spiritually and physically. For me, incorporating music, journaling, reading, and burning incense/white sage are additional practices that are important for me. I make sure to take care mind, body and spirit, and the days I don’t, it absolutely makes a difference.
It’s a new month, so what will your morning and bedtime routines look like this month?
 For more inspiration and tips, be sure to check out my blog,www.livethebelife.com or connect with me on facebook:/whatsyourbe Instagram: @the_be_life  twitter: @bebebelife